My Farewell
Well, now its time to say, “Farewell.” Overall, I have had an awesome, unforgettable experience. I would like to thank God for giving me everything that He has to sustain me thus far. This is only possible because of you. I would like to thank Dr. Howard Riina in Neurological Surgery. Dr. Riina, you made this an enjoyable experience. You taught and showed me a great deal in these 6 weeks. Because of it, I have a new appreciation for medicine, especially neurosurgery. Next in line is Dr. Kyle Chapple, a Neurological Surgery fellow. I would like to thank you for my interaction with you and your honesty. You also taught me volumes of information and gave me valuable perspective from that of a resident and fellow. Beyond that, you made the experience fun and enjoyable. To the staff in the Neurological Surgery office and in Interventional Neuroradiology, my hat is off to you all. I felt very comfortable with you all and thank you for your time and insight given to me during the procedures. I would like to also thank the Biomedical Engineering Department of Cornell University and all pertinent faculty and staff that made the 2006 Summer Immersion possible. Lastly but not least, I would like to thank my beautiful wife, Dr. LaShanda T. J. Korley, and my unborn child due August 31. You could have objected but you supported me throughout. I can’t wait to see you. To Baby Clara, I am glad that you waited on your dear old dad. We talked several times about you waiting to arrive after the program in NYC was finished. You are listening well at any early age and I truly appreciate it.
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